Searching for team members + thank you
Hello all, This week is going to be quite a shift for me as I finish up my full time Fellowship at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and...
So close + opportunity for your input!
Hi there, We're ooming to a close for The Stanford Fund Sapling voting period. I am happy to report good news that I have been in the...
Recruiting EPIC users
Hi there, This week has been difficult as I am in the middle of data collection for my honors thesis. However, I still have some exciting...
Progress so far...
Hello there! I am beginning the process of signing up users for EPIC Medicine in the Fall a couple weeeks after school starts. This mean...
The back story behind EPIC Medicine
Hi there, It occurs to me that it might be fun to share the story of how EPIC Medicine got its name. The idea of the project came from my...
Networking for EPIC
Hello everyone! It's been a while since the last update. I have recently consulted with my advisor about the project. He was the past...