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Getting ready for school + Moving forward

Hi there, Hmm...

I am in my senior year and am doing honors thesis. This summer, I was in Oaxaca and had a full time internship then jumped straight to Bing honors College. I have gotten quite a bit of work done on the honors so hopefully that will be easier to manage during the year.

That being said, I also got accepted to the new coterm program at Stanford Med school so will be starting my M.S. in Community Health and Prevention Research...concurrently as I wrap up my senior year and write my thesis. I don't remember being ever this...productive (busy is such a negative word). I am also applying for the Fulbright Scholarship right now, and having difficulty keeping up as Bing Honors program in Human Biology is intensive, in a good way though. I am going to focus on my fulbright and do just maybe 1 blog in the coming week.

I hope my hands keep up with the demand of my work.

Pretty tight schedule, but I am also excited for the school year and getting help on building EPIC medicine since my peers with expertise on website building will be around. I didn't even have my personal website and blog and built them just for the Sappling project; I am grateful that the program pushed me to new accomplishments.

I realistically will be finished in November. That is a hard deadline for me, though I ideally would finish in October. I have to launch the site by 11/16/15 since that is when the SCOPE premeds have a new cohort and because of my leadership in the program, we have worked out a partnership in which they will incorporate EPIC medicine into their curriculum.



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